
Sunset Converting Corp. wins S.P. Richards Collaborative Sales Partner Award

Published on 2023-04-30 by Sunset Converting

We’re proud to announce that we have been awarded the S.P. Richards 2023 Supplier Summit Collaborative Sales Partner Award.  This award was presented at the SP Richards Vendor Summit in San Antonio, Texas held on March 22nd and 23rd 2023.

S.P Richards, one of North America’s leading business products wholesalers, distributes over 30,000 products including janitorial products to a network of over 7,000 resellers in the United States from a network of 30 Distribution Centers.  As a provider of tailored solutions to high-quality redistributors like S.P Richards, Sunset Converting Corp understands the importance of maintaining a strong partnership with this valuable supplier.

This award is a testament to the exceptional collaborative work that our team provides.  The team’s efforts have helped to create seamless integration between our respective companies, ensuring that S.P. Richards receives the highest quality products and services possible.

We value our partnership with S.P Richards and are committed to continuing to provide customized solutions to meet their specific business needs.  We recognize that our relationships with clients like S.P. Richards are instrumental in our success and look forward to continuing to collaborate to achieve our mutual goals.

Thank you to S.P. Richards for their continued support and partnership.  Together, we will continue to provide the highest quality products and services to our customers.

S.P. Richards Annual Supplier Summit and Golf Tournament is held in support of The City of Hope

Learn more about City of Hope here:

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